Readings in Contemporary Poetry

Thursday, May 14th, 1999
548 West 22nd Street, NYC, 7:00pm

Susan Howe

Susan Howe is the author of several books of poems and two books of criticism. Her most recent collections of poetry are The Noncomformist’s Memorial (New Directions, 1993), Frame Structures; Early Poems 1974-78 (New Directions, 1996), and Pierce-Arrow due from New Directions in the spring of 1999. Her books of criticism are My Emily Dickinson (North Atlantic Books, 1985), and The Birth-mark: unsettling the wilderness in American literary history (Wesleyan University Press, 1993). In 1996 she was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship and in the winter of 1998 she was a distinguished fellow at the Stanford Institute of the Humanities. She is currently a professor of English at the State University of New York at Buffalo.
