Photo: Martha Casanave
Lyn Hejinian's most recent publication is The Cold of Poetry
(Sun and Moon Press, 1994). Collections of her writing include
The Cell (1991), My Life (1987), Writing Is An
Aid To Memory (1978), A Thought Is The Bride of What Thinking
(1976), Oxota: A Short Russian Novel (1991), and
Leningrad (written in collaboration with Michael Davidson,
Ron Silliman, and Barrett Watten). Description and Xenia
, two volumes of her translations from the work of the contemporary
Russian poet Arkadii Dragomoshchenko, have been published by Sun
and Moon Press. She is the recipient of a Writing Fellowship from
the California Arts Council and a Translation Fellowship from
the National Endowment for the Arts; she was also awarded the
Leningrad's E- Award for Independent Literature in 1989. Lyn Hejinian
is the co-editor and publisher (with Barrett Watten) of Poetics
Journal. She currently lives in California, where she is a
member of the Poetics Faculty at New College of California, and
a lecturer in the University of California-Berkeley's Department
of English.