Diller + Scofidio and Dia Center for the Arts would like to thank Nicholas de Monchaux, Lyn Rice, Deane Simpson, Laurens Kolks, Tom McCray-Worrall, and Scott Wickham for their work on Refresh. And our sincerest thanks to the following individuals, businesses and schools for giving permission to include their live cams in this project:

(sites are listed in order of position from top left to bottom right)

Ricklandia at Landiavision:

Mark Wrangham at Cyberkix, a web and multimedia design studio: http://www.cyberkix.co.uk/standard/webcam.html

Jackie Walchuck at the Faculty Multimedia Center, University of Central Florida: http://www.oir.ucf.edu/facilities/oircam.html

Ross Wheeler and Kathy Wheeler at Albury Local Internet, Albury, Australia: http://walkin.albury.net.au/

Steve Lythgoe at Sharples Tyres - THE motocycle tyre specialists, in Bolton, UK: http://www.sharples.com/webcam.htm

J. Balmer, Commerce @ Dave's World and Dave LaLande, "The Dave" @ Dave's World: http://www.davesworld.net/davecam/

John Morgan, Gloria Awbrey and Rob Wolf at MediaPlan, Inc.: http://www.coolercam.com

Lloyd Nebres at the Academic Talent Development Program at the University of California Berkeley's Graduate School of Education: http://atdpweb.soe.berkeley.edu/video.html

Tony Dean and the American Catering Equipment UK, Ltd: http://www.ace-uk.com/acecam.htm

Bert-Jan Goorkate at the Vereniging Elektrotechniek Telematica, Hogeschool van Utrecht, in Utrecht, the Netherlands: http://www.vet.fnt.hvu.nl/vetcam/

Doug Brown and Bill Smith in the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Processing, Nassau Community College: http://www.matcmp.sunynassau.edu/~quickcam/

Alex Soya at Pelenet: http://www.netsnap.com