Readings in Contemporary Poetry

Friday, December 11, 1998
548 West 22nd Street, NYC, 7:00pm

Joan Retallack

Joan Retallack’s most recent book of poetry is How To Do Things With Words (Sun & Moon, 1998). Paradigm Press will publish the first in her series of three chapbooks entitled MONGRELISME early next year. Her book, MUSICAGE: John Cage in Conversation with Joan Retallack, was published by Wesleyan in 1996 and won the America Award in Belles-Lettres for that year. She is the author of four other books of poetry, including AFTERRIMAGES (Wesleyan, 1995) and Errata 5uite (Edge, 1993) which was selected by Robert Creeley for the 1994 Columbia Book Award. In 1996 Retallack completed a mixed media project, WESTORN CIV CONT’D-AN OPEN BOOK, at Pyramid Atlantic with partial funding from the National Endowment for the Arts. She is an Associate of the Bard Institute for Writing and Thinking and teaches in Interdisciplinary University Honors at the University of Maryland, College Park. Joan Retallack has recently completed a book of essays entitled The Poethical Wager which will be published in 1999 by the University of California Press.
