Readings in Contemporary Poetry

October 24, 1994
155 Mercer Street, NYC, 7:30pm

Robert Creeley

Robert Creeley
Photo: Bruce Jackson, Courtesy
of New Directions Publishing Corp.

Robert Creeley's most recent collection of poems, Echoes, was published by New Directions in 1994. His publications include: Words (1967), Mirrors (1983), For Love (1962), Pieces (1969), A Day Book (1972), Selected Poems (1976 and 1991, rev.), Hello (1978), Later(1979), Collected Poems (1983), Memory Gardens (1986) , and Windows (1990). Robert Creeley has also published a collection of stories, a novel, and two collections of experimental prose, Presences (with Marisol), The Gold Diggers(1965), The Island (1963), and Mabel: A Story (with Jim Dine). Other titles include A Quick Graph: Collected Notes and Essays (1970), Was That A Real Poem and Other Essays (1979), and Collected Essays (1989). He has been awarded the Horst Bienek Lyrikpreis from the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts, two Guggenheim Fellowships, a Rockefeller Grant, and was New York State Poet, 1989-91. Robert Creeley is a member of The American Academy of Arts and Letters, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
